Below is the history of www.jlfurniture.com.
First created in 1998 with a total of 14 pages and in 2024 the Website contained 230 pages.
2025 the site was completely rebuilt from scratch.
1998- Having a website made was my goal. I searched locally for a website make. Followed a link to /umass.edu. I assumed it was a college kid. Turned out it was two 13 year old boys using their fathers email. I liked what I saw and the price was right. I signed up for the “Gonzo Package”. Above and below is the screenshot of that page.
2000- I asked the boys to add more pages but they had moved on to other endeavors. The self-employed Furniture Maker has to wear many hats so I put my student hat back on and studied up on becoming a Webmaster. I logged many hours researching good websites and bad. Below is the very first incarnation along with a version that had some minor changes.
2024- I thought maybe it was time to move away from the 2000 version and start brand new. I didn’t, but instead decided to go with a large overhaul. The look changed some and the navigation completely changed. I was happy.
At that leads us to 2025. The creation of a brand new Website, putting to old Website to bed. I owe a lot to that site, it has served me well. Saying good-bye to the old site is like selling the old faithful car that treated you so well. Seeing it drive away :( But sitting in the driveway is that new shiny version !!!
On a side note, those two 13-year-old boys finished college long ago.